ODG - messages in 2010

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Date Sender Topic
3 January Jason Neyers AALS New Orleans
11 January David Cheifetz A slight Canadian whine
12 January Russell Brown A slight Canadian whine
12 January David Cheifetz A slight Canadian whine
13 January Robert Stevens Not Contracting
13 January Jakob Heidbrink Not Contracting
15 January Jason Neyers New Publication
15 January Jason Neyers Not Contracting
16 January Robert Stevens Not Contracting
16 January Adam Kramer Not Contracting
18 January Martin Hogg Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts
18 January James Lee Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts
18 January John Blackie Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts
18 January Jason Neyers Dependent Contractors
18 January Neil Foster Dependent Contractors
19 January Angela Swan Dependent Contractors
21 January Phillip Morgan Remoteness of Damage in Contract
21 January Keith Rowley A Special Invitation for our Friends Outside the US to the 2010 Spring Contracts Conference
21 January Neil Foster Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Keith Rowley Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Andrew Tettenborn Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Steve Hedley Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Andrew Tettenborn Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Steve Hedley Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Andrew Tettenborn Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Michael Jones Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Andrew Tettenborn Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Michael Jones Duty, and Breaking Eggs
22 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Andrew Robertson Obligations V: Rights and Private Law
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Charlie Webb Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January David Wingfield Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January John Goldberg Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
23 January David Wingfield Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January David Wingfield Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Charlie Webb Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Charlie Webb Duty, and Breaking Eggs
24 January Richard Wright Duty, and Breaking Eggs
25 January Robert Stevens Duty, and Breaking Eggs
26 January Katy Barnett Duty, and Breaking Eggs
26 January Jason Neyers Force and Freedom
26 January Annette Morris SLS Tort section call for papers
27 January Neil Foster Causation in the USSC, Hemy v City of New York
4 February Elise Bant Melbourne Law School recruitment in private law
8 February Barbara Legate Duty, and Breaking Eggs
8 February Israel Thomas Duty, and Breaking Eggs
13 February Jassmine Girgis Exclusion Clauses and Contract A/B Analysis
19 February Neil Foster Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime
19 February David Cheifetz Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime
19 February Russell Brown Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime
21 February David Cheifetz Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime
21 February Nathan Oman Reading List Suggestions
23 February Ken Oliphant 9th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, Vienna, 8th to 10th April 2010
23 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion with a human face
23 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion with a human face
23 February Martin Hogg Conversion with a human face
23 February Lionel Smith Conversion with a human face
23 February Jakob Heidbrink Conversion with a human face
24 February John Blackie Conversion with a human face
24 February Robert Stevens Conversion with a human face
24 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion with a human face
24 February Phillip Morgan Conversion with a human face
24 February Robert Stevens Conversion with a human face
24 February Colin Liew NZ Supreme Court on how an offer lapses after a change of circumstances
24 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion with a human face
24 February Robert Stevens Conversion with a human face
24 February Phillip Morgan Conversion with a human face
24 February Ken Oliphant New - Journal of European Tort Law
24 February David McLauchlan NZ Supreme Court on how an offer lapses after a change of circumstances
26 February Neil Foster 'Act of state' doctrine and the tort of torture
1 March Richard Wright Medical malpractice and health care costs
1 March James Lee Pleural Plaques
1 March Hector MacQueen Pleural Plaques
1 March Robert Stevens Pleural Plaques
3 March Neil Foster Causation in the HCA - Ellis
3 March James Lee Causation in the HCA - Ellis
3 March Jason Neyers Causation in the HCA - Ellis
3 March Jason Neyers Landmark Cases in the Law of Tort
4 March Jason Neyers Contract Law in the OUCLJ
6 March David Cheifetz Causation in tort in Canada
6 March Russell Brown Causation in tort in Canada
7 March David Cheifetz Causation in tort in Canada
7 March John Tarrant Change of position defence
10 March Robert Stevens Not Contracting Revisited
17 March Harold Luntz Torts Law Journal
18 March Nathan Oman Foundations of the Common Law
18 March Richard Wright Foundations of the Common Law
18 March Israel Thomas Foundations of the Common Law
19 March Colin Liew English Court of Appeal on vicarious liability and tort liability of public authorities
23 March Andrew Burrows Remoteness in contract
25 March Neil Foster Trevorrow appeal - Stolen Generations case
25 March Jason Neyers Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
25 March Geoff McLay Busy week for torts in a country without tort
29 March Ken Oliphant JETL Inaugural Issue
30 March Colin Liew Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
30 March Ken Oliphant JETL online access problems
30 March Barry Allan Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
30 March Ken Oliphant JETL online access problems
31 March Andrew Tettenborn Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
31 March Robert Stevens Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
31 March Richard Wright Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
31 March Andrew Tettenborn Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
31 March Jason Neyers Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
31 March Andrew Tettenborn Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
31 March Nicola Peart Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
31 March Lionel Smith Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
1 April Andrew Robertson Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
1 April Kelry Loi Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
1 April Kelvin Low Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
1 April Mindy Chen-Wishart Undue Influence
1 April Richard Wright Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
1 April Robert Stevens Punitive Damages and Undue Influence
1 April Jason Neyers Beneficial owners
1 April Angela Swan Beneficial owners
1 April Robert Stevens Beneficial owners
1 April Jason Neyers Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duty in the SCC
1 April Russell Brown Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duty in the SCC
7 April Duncan Sheehan Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
7 April Andrew Tettenborn Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
7 April Kelvin Low Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
7 April Kelvin Low Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
7 April Duncan Sheehan Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
8 April Andrew Robertson Obligations V: early-bird registration closing
8 April Kelvin Low Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property
9 April Jason Neyers Contract as Assumption - Essays on a Theme
13 April Neil Foster Defamation, BCA v Singh
13 April Steve Hedley Defamation, BCA v Singh
14 April Neil Foster Defamation, BCA v Singh
14 April Nathan Oman A simple question
14 April Steve Hedley Defamation, BCA v Singh
14 April Andrew Tettenborn Defamation, BCA v Singh
14 April Hector MacQueen A simple question
14 April Fergus O'Rourke A simple question
14 April Sean Thomas Defamation, BCA v Singh
14 April Jason Neyers C. Mitchell, ed., Constructive and Resulting Trusts
14 April Jason Neyers Classification and Taxonomy
15 April Katy Barnett Defamation, BCA v Singh
15 April Jason Neyers Contract Formation: Law & Practice
16 April Neil Foster Defamation, BCA v Singh
19 April Jason Neyers Competition vs Extortion
20 April Neil Foster Competition vs Extortion
20 April Barry Allan Competition vs Extortion
20 April Elise Bant Competition vs Extortion
20 April Robert Stevens Competition vs Extortion
20 April James Edelman Competition vs Extortion
20 April Robert Stevens Competition vs Extortion
21 April Bill Madden Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12
21 April Jason Neyers Competition vs Extortion
21 April Duncan Sheehan Competition vs Extortion
21 April Robert Stevens Competition vs Extortion
22 April Neil Foster Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12
22 April Robert Stevens Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12
22 April Jason Neyers Richard W Wright Distinguished Professor of Law
23 April Michael Jones Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12
23 April Robert Stevens Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12
23 April Stephen Waddams Chance
23 April Margaret Hall The Law of Nuisance in Canada
5 May Stephen Pitel Leading Torts Texts
5 May James Lee Recovering for the Loss of the Availability of Funds for Investment
5 May Angela Swan Recovering for the Loss of the Availability of Funds for Investment
6 May Neil Foster Leading Torts Texts
6 May Jane Stapleton Leading Torts Texts
6 May Robert Stevens Leading Torts Texts
7 May Barry Allan Leading Torts Texts
10 May Simone Degeling Announcement - Torts in Commercial Law Conference
12 May Denise Reaume Positions at the University of Toronto
14 May Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty- notification of bankruptcy petition
20 May Ken Oliphant Restatement Third, Restitution and Unjust Enrichment
20 May Colin Liew Cases from Singapore
26 May Robert Stevens Law Commission on Public Bodies
27 May Neil Foster Law Commission on Public Bodies
28 May Peter Cane Law Commission on Public Bodies
31 May Andrew Robertson Obligations V registration closing 14 June
1 June Stephen Pitel Inducing Breach of Contract
1 June Barbara Legate Paxton v Ramji update - duty to fetus
2 June Elizabeth Cooke Law Commission on Public Bodies
2 June Jason Neyers Law Commission on Public Bodies
2 June Colin Liew Haugesund Kommune & anor v Depfa ACS Bank
4 June Colin Liew Malicious falsehood in the EWCA
8 June Neil Foster Malicious falsehood in the EWCA
11 June Jason Neyers Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
13 June Onyeka Osuji Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June Andrew Simester Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June James Lee Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June Keith Stanton Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June Andrew Tettenborn Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June Andrew Tettenborn Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
14 June Hector MacQueen Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
15 June Katy Barnett Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying
17 June Neil Foster High Court of Australia on mental harm
22 June Barbara Legate Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA
22 June Barbara Legate Question re UK protocol
22 June Robert Stevens Question re UK protocol
22 June Gerard Rothschild Question re UK protocol
22 June David Cheifetz Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA
22 June David Cheifetz Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA
22 June Barbara Legate Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA
22 June Barbara Legate Question re UK protocol
22 June David Cheifetz Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA
28 June Jason Neyers Products Liability
6 July Jane Stapleton Amaca v Ellis
9 July David Cheifetz Canadian causation confusion?
15 July Simone Degeling Jobs UNSW Law Faculty
18 July Tariq Baloch Foundations of force majeure / frustration
18 July Jason Neyers Foundations of force majeure / frustration
19 July Jason Neyers Measuring Damages in the Law of Obligations
28 July James Lee UK Supreme Court on Trespass to Land and User Damages
29 July Harold Luntz TLJ 18(2)
4 August Neil Foster Defamation by dishonour of cheque in HCA
5 August Jason Neyers The Law of Remedies: New Directions in the Common Law
6 August Andrew Tettenborn Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer?
6 August Harold Luntz Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer?
7 August Richard Wright Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer?
7 August Lionel Smith Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer?
10 August Colin Liew Economic duress in the Privy Council
11 August Jason Neyers Economic duress in the Privy Council
12 August Kit Barker Fellowship Opportunities
13 August Richard Wright PLT Homepage
18 August Jason Neyers The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law, Torts
26 August Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on Breach of Statutory Duty
27 August Andrew Tettenborn Bye-bye limitation - again?
29 August Israel Gilead Israel's Supreme Court on Proportional Liability - the 'Recurrent-Bias Rule'
1 September Ken Oliphant Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective (Vienna, 3-4 December 2010)
1 September James Edelman Torts in Commercial Law Conference
2 September Barbara Legate Bye-bye limitation - again?
3 September Jason Neyers New book - Exploring Private Law
8 September Ken Oliphant JETL: Issue 2 of 2010
9 September Geoff McLay Inquiry about builders' warranties under the Defective Premises Act in UK
21 September Jason Neyers Arthur Ripstein, FRSC
24 September Jason Neyers Professor Geoff McLay
24 September Jason Neyers Exploring Private Law
28 September Lionel Smith Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
29 September Jason Neyers Hold the Date, Obligations VI
4 October Jason Neyers Economic Torts in Canada
5 October Simone Degeling Journal of Equity
5 October Jason Neyers Inducing Breach in the NBCA
6 October Jason Neyers Speaker Series in Tort Law
14 October Bruce Pardy Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Andrew Tettenborn Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Robert Stevens Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Marc Ramsay Informed consent / neglience question
14 October Denise Réaume Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Andrew Tettenborn Informed consent / neglience question
14 October Bruce Pardy Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Robert Stevens Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent
14 October Barbara Legate Informed consent / neglience question
15 October Neil Foster Informed consent / neglience question
15 October Jane Stapleton Informed consent / neglience question
15 October Michael Jones Informed consent / neglience question
18 October Barbara Legate Informed consent / neglience question
18 October Robert Stevens Informed consent / neglience question
21 October Neil Foster HCA on recovery of compensation and survival of actions
21 October Colin Liew Negligence and statute
21 October Jakob Heidbrink Access to Railroad Track
21 October Robert Stevens Negligence and statute
21 October Colin Liew Negligence and statute
21 October Jason Neyers Negligence and statute
21 October Robert Stevens Negligence and statute
21 October Jason Neyers Negligence and statute
21 October Jason Neyers Economic Torts in the Court of Appeal
21 October John Goldberg Tort v. Equity
21 October Sean Thomas Tort v. Equity
21 October Andrew Tettenborn Tort v. Equity
21 October Lewis Klar Negligence and statute
21 October Neil Foster Negligence and statute
22 October Richard Wright Negligence and statute
22 October Richard Wright Negligence and statute
22 October Colin Liew Negligence and statute
22 October Michael Furmston Negligence and statute
22 October Lewis Klar Negligence and statute
22 October Richard Wright Negligence and statute
22 October Chaim Saiman Negligence and statute
22 October Richard Wright Negligence and statute
23 October Neil Foster Correction to note on WorkCover v Amaca
25 October Jason Neyers Journal of Tort Law
26 October Barry Allan Negligence and statute
27 October Harold Luntz Torts Law Journal 18(3)
27 October Robert Stevens Torts Law Journal 18(3)
27 October Colin Liew New judgments from UKSC and EWCA
27 October Jason Neyers Southwark London Borough Council v. Mills
27 October Neil Foster New judgments from UKSC and EWCA - Vicarious Liability
28 October Robert Stevens New judgments from UKSC and EWCA - Vicarious Liability
29 October Jason Neyers Can a four year old be negligent?
2 November Neil Foster Aggravated damages and personal injury
5 November Rick Glofcheski Tort Law Final Examination Questionnaire
5 November Phillip Morgan Remoteness of Damage in Contract
6 November Rick Glofcheski Tort Law Final Examination Questionnaire
12 November Martin Hogg Recent Scottish decision exploring the quantification of counterfactual losses in a case of breach of contract
15 November Colin Liew Wrongful birth
15 November Neil Foster Wrongful birth
15 November Colin Liew Wrongful birth
15 November Kelvin Low Wrongful birth
15 November Jason Neyers Contract Law in the Ius Commune
16 November Kelvin Low Wrongful birth
16 November Louis Joseph Wrongful Birth
22 November James Lee Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal
23 November David Cheifetz Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal
23 November David Cheifetz Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal
26 November Jason Neyers Bradford v Pickles
1 December James Lee UK Supreme Court on Fair - now Honest - Comment
1 December Jason Neyers Private and Public Law Conference
1 December Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on Fair - now Honest - Comment
18 December Richard Wright More on medical malpractice and medical costs
18 December David Cheifetz Factual causation - Canadian tort law
19 December David Cheifetz Factual causation - Canadian tort law
19 December John Kleefeld Factual causation - Canadian tort law
20 December David Cheifetz Factual causation - Canadian tort law
20 December Colin Liew New Zealand Supreme Court reaffirms Hamlin
22 December Colin Liew Scoutmasters breach duty of care by playing games in the dark
23 December Vaughan Black SCC case on tort vs judicial review
23 December Richard Wright Oil, politics, and legal ethics
24 December David Cheifetz Factual causation - Canadian tort law
30 December Richard Wright Oil, politics, and legal ethics followup

<== To the messages for 2009

To the messages for 2011 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com