Date |
Sender |
Topic |
3 January |
Jason Neyers |
AALS New Orleans |
11 January |
David Cheifetz |
A slight Canadian whine |
12 January |
Russell Brown |
A slight Canadian whine |
12 January |
David Cheifetz |
A slight Canadian whine |
13 January |
Robert Stevens |
Not Contracting |
13 January |
Jakob Heidbrink |
Not Contracting |
15 January |
Jason Neyers |
New Publication |
15 January |
Jason Neyers |
Not Contracting |
16 January |
Robert Stevens |
Not Contracting |
16 January |
Adam Kramer |
Not Contracting |
18 January |
Martin Hogg |
Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts |
18 January |
James Lee |
Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts |
18 January |
John Blackie |
Judicial review of pleural plaques legislation refused by Scottish courts |
18 January |
Jason Neyers |
Dependent Contractors |
18 January |
Neil Foster |
Dependent Contractors |
19 January |
Angela Swan |
Dependent Contractors |
21 January |
Phillip Morgan |
Remoteness of Damage in Contract |
21 January |
Keith Rowley |
A Special Invitation for our Friends Outside the US to the 2010 Spring Contracts Conference |
21 January |
Neil Foster |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Keith Rowley |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Steve Hedley |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Steve Hedley |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Michael Jones |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Michael Jones |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
22 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Andrew Robertson |
Obligations V: Rights and Private Law |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Charlie Webb |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
David Wingfield |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
John Goldberg |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
23 January |
David Wingfield |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
David Wingfield |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Charlie Webb |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Charlie Webb |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
24 January |
Richard Wright |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
25 January |
Robert Stevens |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
26 January |
Katy Barnett |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
26 January |
Jason Neyers |
Force and Freedom |
26 January |
Annette Morris |
SLS Tort section call for papers |
27 January |
Neil Foster |
Causation in the USSC, Hemy v City of New York |
4 February |
Elise Bant |
Melbourne Law School recruitment in private law |
8 February |
Barbara Legate |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
8 February |
Israel Thomas |
Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
13 February |
Jassmine Girgis |
Exclusion Clauses and Contract A/B Analysis |
19 February |
Neil Foster |
Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime |
19 February |
David Cheifetz |
Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime |
19 February |
Russell Brown |
Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime |
21 February |
David Cheifetz |
Fullowka v Pinkerton's - Duty to prevent crime |
21 February |
Nathan Oman |
Reading List Suggestions |
23 February |
Ken Oliphant |
9th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, Vienna, 8th to 10th April 2010 |
23 February |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Conversion with a human face |
23 February |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Conversion with a human face |
23 February |
Martin Hogg |
Conversion with a human face |
23 February |
Lionel Smith |
Conversion with a human face |
23 February |
Jakob Heidbrink |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
John Blackie |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Robert Stevens |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Phillip Morgan |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Robert Stevens |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Colin Liew |
NZ Supreme Court on how an offer lapses after a change of circumstances |
24 February |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Robert Stevens |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Phillip Morgan |
Conversion with a human face |
24 February |
Ken Oliphant |
New - Journal of European Tort Law |
24 February |
David McLauchlan |
NZ Supreme Court on how an offer lapses after a change of circumstances |
26 February |
Neil Foster |
'Act of state' doctrine and the tort of torture |
1 March |
Richard Wright |
Medical malpractice and health care costs |
1 March |
James Lee |
Pleural Plaques |
1 March |
Hector MacQueen |
Pleural Plaques |
1 March |
Robert Stevens |
Pleural Plaques |
3 March |
Neil Foster |
Causation in the HCA - Ellis |
3 March |
James Lee |
Causation in the HCA - Ellis |
3 March |
Jason Neyers |
Causation in the HCA - Ellis |
3 March |
Jason Neyers |
Landmark Cases in the Law of Tort |
4 March |
Jason Neyers |
Contract Law in the OUCLJ |
6 March |
David Cheifetz |
Causation in tort in Canada |
6 March |
Russell Brown |
Causation in tort in Canada |
7 March |
David Cheifetz |
Causation in tort in Canada |
7 March |
John Tarrant |
Change of position defence |
10 March |
Robert Stevens |
Not Contracting Revisited |
17 March |
Harold Luntz |
Torts Law Journal |
18 March |
Nathan Oman |
Foundations of the Common Law |
18 March |
Richard Wright |
Foundations of the Common Law |
18 March |
Israel Thomas |
Foundations of the Common Law |
19 March |
Colin Liew |
English Court of Appeal on vicarious liability and tort liability of public authorities |
23 March |
Andrew Burrows |
Remoteness in contract |
25 March |
Neil Foster |
Trevorrow appeal - Stolen Generations case |
25 March |
Jason Neyers |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
25 March |
Geoff McLay |
Busy week for torts in a country without tort |
29 March |
Ken Oliphant |
JETL Inaugural Issue |
30 March |
Colin Liew |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
30 March |
Ken Oliphant |
JETL online access problems |
30 March |
Barry Allan |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
30 March |
Ken Oliphant |
JETL online access problems |
31 March |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
31 March |
Robert Stevens |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
31 March |
Richard Wright |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
31 March |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
31 March |
Jason Neyers |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
31 March |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
31 March |
Nicola Peart |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
31 March |
Lionel Smith |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
1 April |
Andrew Robertson |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
1 April |
Kelry Loi |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
1 April |
Kelvin Low |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
1 April |
Mindy Chen-Wishart |
Undue Influence |
1 April |
Richard Wright |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
1 April |
Robert Stevens |
Punitive Damages and Undue Influence |
1 April |
Jason Neyers |
Beneficial owners |
1 April |
Angela Swan |
Beneficial owners |
1 April |
Robert Stevens |
Beneficial owners |
1 April |
Jason Neyers |
Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duty in the SCC |
1 April |
Russell Brown |
Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duty in the SCC |
7 April |
Duncan Sheehan |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
7 April |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
7 April |
Kelvin Low |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
7 April |
Kelvin Low |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
7 April |
Duncan Sheehan |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
8 April |
Andrew Robertson |
Obligations V: early-bird registration closing |
8 April |
Kelvin Low |
Beneficial owners can sue for negligently-caused economic loss to property |
9 April |
Jason Neyers |
Contract as Assumption - Essays on a Theme |
13 April |
Neil Foster |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
13 April |
Steve Hedley |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
14 April |
Neil Foster |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
14 April |
Nathan Oman |
A simple question |
14 April |
Steve Hedley |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
14 April |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
14 April |
Hector MacQueen |
A simple question |
14 April |
Fergus O'Rourke |
A simple question |
14 April |
Sean Thomas |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
14 April |
Jason Neyers |
C. Mitchell, ed., Constructive and Resulting Trusts |
14 April |
Jason Neyers |
Classification and Taxonomy |
15 April |
Katy Barnett |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
15 April |
Jason Neyers |
Contract Formation: Law & Practice |
16 April |
Neil Foster |
Defamation, BCA v Singh |
19 April |
Jason Neyers |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
Neil Foster |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
Barry Allan |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
Elise Bant |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
Robert Stevens |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
James Edelman |
Competition vs Extortion |
20 April |
Robert Stevens |
Competition vs Extortion |
21 April |
Bill Madden |
Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12 |
21 April |
Jason Neyers |
Competition vs Extortion |
21 April |
Duncan Sheehan |
Competition vs Extortion |
21 April |
Robert Stevens |
Competition vs Extortion |
22 April |
Neil Foster |
Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12 |
22 April |
Robert Stevens |
Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12 |
22 April |
Jason Neyers |
Richard W Wright Distinguished Professor of Law |
23 April |
Michael Jones |
Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12 |
23 April |
Robert Stevens |
Loss of chance in medical negligence litigation (Australia): Tabet v Gett [2010] HCA 12 |
23 April |
Stephen Waddams |
Chance |
23 April |
Margaret Hall |
The Law of Nuisance in Canada |
5 May |
Stephen Pitel |
Leading Torts Texts |
5 May |
James Lee |
Recovering for the Loss of the Availability of Funds for Investment |
5 May |
Angela Swan |
Recovering for the Loss of the Availability of Funds for Investment |
6 May |
Neil Foster |
Leading Torts Texts |
6 May |
Jane Stapleton |
Leading Torts Texts |
6 May |
Robert Stevens |
Leading Torts Texts |
7 May |
Barry Allan |
Leading Torts Texts |
10 May |
Simone Degeling |
Announcement - Torts in Commercial Law Conference |
12 May |
Denise Reaume |
Positions at the University of Toronto |
14 May |
Neil Foster |
Breach of Statutory Duty- notification of bankruptcy petition |
20 May |
Ken Oliphant |
Restatement Third, Restitution and Unjust Enrichment |
20 May |
Colin Liew |
Cases from Singapore |
26 May |
Robert Stevens |
Law Commission on Public Bodies |
27 May |
Neil Foster |
Law Commission on Public Bodies |
28 May |
Peter Cane |
Law Commission on Public Bodies |
31 May |
Andrew Robertson |
Obligations V registration closing 14 June |
1 June |
Stephen Pitel |
Inducing Breach of Contract |
1 June |
Barbara Legate |
Paxton v Ramji update - duty to fetus |
2 June |
Elizabeth Cooke |
Law Commission on Public Bodies |
2 June |
Jason Neyers |
Law Commission on Public Bodies |
2 June |
Colin Liew |
Haugesund Kommune & anor v Depfa ACS Bank |
4 June |
Colin Liew |
Malicious falsehood in the EWCA |
8 June |
Neil Foster |
Malicious falsehood in the EWCA |
11 June |
Jason Neyers |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
13 June |
Onyeka Osuji |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
Andrew Simester |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
James Lee |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
Keith Stanton |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
14 June |
Hector MacQueen |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
15 June |
Katy Barnett |
Protection from Harassment Act 1997 & bullying |
17 June |
Neil Foster |
High Court of Australia on mental harm |
22 June |
Barbara Legate |
Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA |
22 June |
Barbara Legate |
Question re UK protocol |
22 June |
Robert Stevens |
Question re UK protocol |
22 June |
Gerard Rothschild |
Question re UK protocol |
22 June |
David Cheifetz |
Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA |
22 June |
David Cheifetz |
Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA |
22 June |
Barbara Legate |
Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA |
22 June |
Barbara Legate |
Question re UK protocol |
22 June |
David Cheifetz |
Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA |
28 June |
Jason Neyers |
Products Liability |
6 July |
Jane Stapleton |
Amaca v Ellis |
9 July |
David Cheifetz |
Canadian causation confusion? |
15 July |
Simone Degeling |
Jobs UNSW Law Faculty |
18 July |
Tariq Baloch |
Foundations of force majeure / frustration |
18 July |
Jason Neyers |
Foundations of force majeure / frustration |
19 July |
Jason Neyers |
Measuring Damages in the Law of Obligations |
28 July |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court on Trespass to Land and User Damages |
29 July |
Harold Luntz |
TLJ 18(2) |
4 August |
Neil Foster |
Defamation by dishonour of cheque in HCA |
5 August |
Jason Neyers |
The Law of Remedies: New Directions in the Common Law |
6 August |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer? |
6 August |
Harold Luntz |
Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer? |
7 August |
Richard Wright |
Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer? |
7 August |
Lionel Smith |
Private hospitals - direct claim from a wrongdoer? |
10 August |
Colin Liew |
Economic duress in the Privy Council |
11 August |
Jason Neyers |
Economic duress in the Privy Council |
12 August |
Kit Barker |
Fellowship Opportunities |
13 August |
Richard Wright |
PLT Homepage |
18 August |
Jason Neyers |
The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law, Torts |
26 August |
Neil Foster |
UK Supreme Court on Breach of Statutory Duty |
27 August |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Bye-bye limitation - again? |
29 August |
Israel Gilead |
Israel's Supreme Court on Proportional Liability - the 'Recurrent-Bias Rule' |
1 September |
Ken Oliphant |
Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective (Vienna, 3-4 December 2010) |
1 September |
James Edelman |
Torts in Commercial Law Conference |
2 September |
Barbara Legate |
Bye-bye limitation - again? |
3 September |
Jason Neyers |
New book - Exploring Private Law |
8 September |
Ken Oliphant |
JETL: Issue 2 of 2010 |
9 September |
Geoff McLay |
Inquiry about builders' warranties under the Defective Premises Act in UK |
21 September |
Jason Neyers |
Arthur Ripstein, FRSC |
24 September |
Jason Neyers |
Professor Geoff McLay |
24 September |
Jason Neyers |
Exploring Private Law |
28 September |
Lionel Smith |
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships |
29 September |
Jason Neyers |
Hold the Date, Obligations VI |
4 October |
Jason Neyers |
Economic Torts in Canada |
5 October |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity |
5 October |
Jason Neyers |
Inducing Breach in the NBCA |
6 October |
Jason Neyers |
Speaker Series in Tort Law |
14 October |
Bruce Pardy |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Robert Stevens |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Marc Ramsay |
Informed consent / neglience question |
14 October |
Denise Réaume |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Informed consent / neglience question |
14 October |
Bruce Pardy |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Robert Stevens |
Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in consent |
14 October |
Barbara Legate |
Informed consent / neglience question |
15 October |
Neil Foster |
Informed consent / neglience question |
15 October |
Jane Stapleton |
Informed consent / neglience question |
15 October |
Michael Jones |
Informed consent / neglience question |
18 October |
Barbara Legate |
Informed consent / neglience question |
18 October |
Robert Stevens |
Informed consent / neglience question |
21 October |
Neil Foster |
HCA on recovery of compensation and survival of actions |
21 October |
Colin Liew |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Jakob Heidbrink |
Access to Railroad Track |
21 October |
Robert Stevens |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Colin Liew |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Jason Neyers |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Robert Stevens |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Jason Neyers |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Jason Neyers |
Economic Torts in the Court of Appeal |
21 October |
John Goldberg |
Tort v. Equity |
21 October |
Sean Thomas |
Tort v. Equity |
21 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Tort v. Equity |
21 October |
Lewis Klar |
Negligence and statute |
21 October |
Neil Foster |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Richard Wright |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Richard Wright |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Colin Liew |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Michael Furmston |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Lewis Klar |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Richard Wright |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Chaim Saiman |
Negligence and statute |
22 October |
Richard Wright |
Negligence and statute |
23 October |
Neil Foster |
Correction to note on WorkCover v Amaca |
25 October |
Jason Neyers |
Journal of Tort Law |
26 October |
Barry Allan |
Negligence and statute |
27 October |
Harold Luntz |
Torts Law Journal 18(3) |
27 October |
Robert Stevens |
Torts Law Journal 18(3) |
27 October |
Colin Liew |
New judgments from UKSC and EWCA |
27 October |
Jason Neyers |
Southwark London Borough Council v. Mills |
27 October |
Neil Foster |
New judgments from UKSC and EWCA - Vicarious Liability |
28 October |
Robert Stevens |
New judgments from UKSC and EWCA - Vicarious Liability |
29 October |
Jason Neyers |
Can a four year old be negligent? |
2 November |
Neil Foster |
Aggravated damages and personal injury |
5 November |
Rick Glofcheski |
Tort Law Final Examination Questionnaire |
5 November |
Phillip Morgan |
Remoteness of Damage in Contract |
6 November |
Rick Glofcheski |
Tort Law Final Examination Questionnaire |
12 November |
Martin Hogg |
Recent Scottish decision exploring the quantification of counterfactual losses in a case of breach of contract |
15 November |
Colin Liew |
Wrongful birth |
15 November |
Neil Foster |
Wrongful birth |
15 November |
Colin Liew |
Wrongful birth |
15 November |
Kelvin Low |
Wrongful birth |
15 November |
Jason Neyers |
Contract Law in the Ius Commune |
16 November |
Kelvin Low |
Wrongful birth |
16 November |
Louis Joseph |
Wrongful Birth |
22 November |
James Lee |
Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal |
23 November |
David Cheifetz |
Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal |
23 November |
David Cheifetz |
Causation and Limitation in the Court of Appeal |
26 November |
Jason Neyers |
Bradford v Pickles |
1 December |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court on Fair - now Honest - Comment |
1 December |
Jason Neyers |
Private and Public Law Conference |
1 December |
Neil Foster |
UK Supreme Court on Fair - now Honest - Comment |
18 December |
Richard Wright |
More on medical malpractice and medical costs |
18 December |
David Cheifetz |
Factual causation - Canadian tort law |
19 December |
David Cheifetz |
Factual causation - Canadian tort law |
19 December |
John Kleefeld |
Factual causation - Canadian tort law |
20 December |
David Cheifetz |
Factual causation - Canadian tort law |
20 December |
Colin Liew |
New Zealand Supreme Court reaffirms Hamlin |
22 December |
Colin Liew |
Scoutmasters breach duty of care by playing games in the dark |
23 December |
Vaughan Black |
SCC case on tort vs judicial review |
23 December |
Richard Wright |
Oil, politics, and legal ethics |
24 December |
David Cheifetz |
Factual causation - Canadian tort law |
30 December |
Richard Wright |
Oil, politics, and legal ethics followup |