Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:11:35 -0800
Stephen D Sugarman
Injured fetus later sues mother
connection with the proposed Canadian statute, Ken Oliphant's email
mentions some of the U.S. cases.
student of mine has written what I think is a thoughtful and insightful
story about one of them: Bonte v. Bonte. There, a pregnant
woman allegedly negligently crossed a street and was struck by an
auto. Her injured fetus who was born with grave disabilities later
-- through the father -- sued the mother in order to access the
family's liability insurance so as to help provide for the child's
needs. You can find this "story" on my website -- see
being the U.S., my student nicely shows a) how the "right to
life" and the "right to choose" sides in the abortion
debate saw this case as potentially important for what they view
as a much larger issue and b) how, despite the talk of intra-family
litigation, this was a lawsuit that the mother was especially eager
to lose. There is also a nice discussion of how, before having the
child sue the mother, the victim's family first successfully claimed
against the driver's auto insurance, and second successfully claimed
against the "under insured" motorist portion of their
own auto insurance policy.
Lewis: A Child's Right to Sue Its Mother for Injuries Suffered in
Utero: Bonte v. Bonte
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