Dear Colleagues
The latest version of Nick McBride's bibliography of Tony Weir is
available here - He (and
I) would be happy to receive any additions to that list there may be.
Best wishes
Hector L MacQueen
Professor of Private Law
Edinburgh Law School
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9YL
Currently working at the Scottish Law Commission tel: (UK-0)131-662-5222
Quoting Dr R Munday <> on Fri, 06 Jan 2012 14:48:58 +0000:
> Dear Nick,
> At the risk of becoming extremely boring, another Tony Weir paper I
> have unearthed and which I cannot see on your provisional list is
> 'Loss of a Chance - Compensable in Tort? The Common Law.' This was
> published as pp. 111-129 of a collection of conference papers
> published by Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag of Zurich in 1991.
> The volume may have borne the title, Documents récents du droit de
> la responsabilité. It seems to have been a publication of the
> Centre d'études juridiques européenees. Unfortunately, the cover of
> my offprint is water-damaged, so this information may not be
> entirely accurate.
> Ever,
> Roderick
> Dr Roderick Munday,
> Peterhouse,
> Cambridge CB2 1RD
> Tel.: 01223-338200
>> --On 19 December 2011 18:06 +0000 Nick McBride <> wrote:
>>> Colleagues will be greatly saddened to hear that Tony Weir died in
>>> hospital last Tuesday. The acerbic brilliance of his writings on tort law
>>> and private law generally (both common law and civilian) has rarely been
>>> matched, and never surpassed. He was simply incapable of writing anything
>>> uninteresting. Below my signature is an incomplete list of his
>>> publications.
>>> Nick McBride
>>> Books
>>> An Introduction to Tort Law, 2nd ed (Clarendon Law Series, 2006)
>>> A Casebook on Tort, 10th ed (Sweet & Maxwell, 2004)
>>> Economic Torts (Clarendon Press, 1997)
>>> Articles
>>> 'Two great legislators' (2006) 21 Tulane European and Civil Law Forum 35
>>> 'All or nothing?' (2003-4) 78 Tulane Law Review 511
>>> 'Human rights and damages' (2001) 40 Washburn Law Journal 413
>>> 'English tort law seen from abroad' in Rider (ed), Law at the Centre:
>>> The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at Fifty (Kluwer, 1999)
>>> 'The staggering march of negligence' in Cane and Stapleton (eds), The
>>> Law of Obligations: Essays in Honour of John Fleming (OUP, 1998)
>>> 'Recovery in tort for economic loss' (1997) 94 British Insurance Law
>>> Association Journal 14
>>> 'Taking for granted - the ramifications of nemo dat' (1996) 49 Current
>>> Legal Problems 325
>>> 'Die Sprachen des europaischen Rechts. Eine skeptische Betrachtung'
>>> [1995] Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht 368
>>> 'Errare humanum est' in Birks (ed), The Frontiers of Liability, Volume 2
>>> (OUP, 1994)
>>> 'Contracts in Rome and England' (1992) 66 Tulane Law Review 1615
>>> 'Friendships in the law' (1992) 6-7 Tulane Civil Law Forum 61
>>> 'Governmental liability' [1989] Public Law 40
>>> 'A strike against the law?' (1986) 46 Maryland Law Review 133
>>> 'Shields and swords' (1983) 7 Trent Law Journal 1
>>> (with Pierre Catala) 'Delict and torts: a study in parallel' (1962-3) 37
>>> Tulane Law Review 573 (Part I), (1963-4) 38 Tulane Law Review 221 (Part
>>> II), (1963-4) 38 Tulane Law Review 663 (Part III), (1964-5) 39 Tulane Law
>>> Review 701 (Part IV)
>>> Casenotes
>>> 'Making it more likely vs making it happen' (2002) 61 Cambridge Law
>>> Journal 519
>>> 'The unwanted child' (2002) 6 Edinburgh Law Review 244
>>> 'The maddening effect of consecutive torts' (2001) 60 Cambridge Law
>>> Journal 237
>>> 'The unwanted child' (2000) 59 Cambridge Law Journal 238
>>> 'Down hill - all the way?' (1999) 58 Cambridge Law Journal 4
>>> 'Suicide in custody' (1998) 57 Cambridge Law Journal 241
>>> 'Clamping' (1996) 55 Cambridge Law Journal 423
>>> 'Swag for the injured burglar' (1996) 55 Cambridge Law Journal 182
>>> 'A damnosa hereditas?' (1995) 111 Law Quarterly Review 357
>>> 'Rylands v Fletcher reconsidered' (1994) 53 Cambridge Law Journal 216
>>> 'The case of the careless referee' (1993) 52 Cambridge Law Journal 376
>>> 'The polluter must pay - regardless' (1993) 52 Cambridge Law Journal 17
>>> 'Physician - kill thyself!' (1991) 50 Cambridge Law Journal 397
>>> 'Fixing the foundations' (1991) 50 Cambridge Law Journal 24
>>> 'Statutory auditor not liable to purchaser of shares' (1990) 49
>>> Cambridge Law Journal 212
>>> 'Rebuilding defective building law' (1989) 48 Cambridge Law Journal 12
>>> 'P pays X for the physical damage due to D's negligence' [1989] Lloyd's
>>> Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 1
>>> 'Liability for knowingly facilitating mass breaches of copyright' (1988)
>>> 47 Cambridge Law Journal 348
>>> 'The answer to Anns?' (1985) 44 Cambridge Law Journal 26
>>> 'Wrongful life - nipped in the bud' (1982) 41 Cambridge Law Journal 225
>>> 'The wages of the dead' (1981) 40 Cambridge Law Journal 20
>>> 'The Pearson Commission Report' (1978) 37 Cambridge Law Journal 222
>>> 'Doing good by mistake - restitution and remedies' (1973) 32 Cambridge
>>> Law Journal 23
>>> 'Local authority vs critical ratepayer - a suit in defamation' (1972) 30
>>> Cambridge Law Journal 238
>>> 'Discrimination in private law' (1966) 24 Cambridge Law Journal 165
>>> 'Tort, contract and bailment' (1965) 23 Cambridge Law Journal 186
>>> 'Chaos or cosmos? Rookes, Stratford and the economic torts' (1964) 22
>>> Cambridge Law Journal 225
>>> 'Liability for syntax' (1963) 21 Cambridge Law Journal 216
>>> Book reviews
>>> Hoeflich, Roman and Civil Law and the Development of Anglo-American
>>> Jurisprudence in the Nineteenth Century (1999) 3 Edinburgh Law Review 398
>>> Cane, Anatomy of Tort Law; and Atiyah, The Damages Lottery (1998) 57
>>> Cambridge Law Journal 204
>>> Cane, Tort Law and Economic Interests (1991) 50 Cambridge Law Journal
>>> 551 Frier, A Casebook on the Roman Law of Delict (1990) 49 Cambridge Law
>>> Journal 157
>>> Fleming, The Law of Torts, 7th ed (1989) 48 Cambridge Law Journal 152
>>> Birks (ed), New Perspectives in the Roman Law of Property: Essays for
>>> Barry Nicholas (1989) 48 Cambridge Law Journal 510
>>> Collins, The Law of Contract (1986) 45 Cambridge Law Journal 503
>>> Hart and Honore, Causation in the Law, 2nd ed (1985) 44 Cambridge Law
>>> Journal 477
>>> Honore, The Quest for Security; and Von Hippel, Der Schutz des
>>> Schwaecheren (1984) 43 Cambridge Law Journal 377
>>> Cheifetz, Apportionment of Fault in Tort Law (1982) 14 Ottawa Law Review
>>> 234
>>> Stair, The Institutions of the Law of Scotland (1982) 41 Cambridge Law
>>> Journal 183
>>> Deutch, Unfair Contracts (1978) 37 Cambridge Law Journal 344
>>> Waddams, Products Liability (1976) 35 Cambridge Law Journal 178
>>> Carter-Ruck, Libel and Slander; and Rubinstein (ed), Wicked, Wicked
>>> Libels (1973) 32 Cambridge Law Journal 150
>>> Coote, Exception Clauses (1965) 23 Cambridge Law Journal 301
>>> Translations
>>> Bucher, England and the Continent: Distinguishing the Pecularities of
>>> English Common Law of Contract (Dike Books, 2009)
>>> Halperin, The French Civil Code (UCL, 2006)
>>> Zweigert and Koetz, An Introduction to Comparative Law, 3rd ed (OUP,
>>> 1998)
>>> Koetz and Flessner, European Contract Law, Vol I (Clarendon Press, 1998)
>>> Wieacker and Zimmermann, A History of Private Law in Europe, with
>>> Particular Reference to Germany (Clarendon Press, 1996)
>>> Grossfeld, The Strengths and Weaknesses of Comparative Law (OUP, 1990)
>>> Serick, Lipstein, and Riesenfeld, Securities in Movables in German Law:
>>> An Outline (Kluwer, 1990)
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