Dear ODG Members,
I write to invite proposals for papers for the Torts subject section meeting at the 2012 Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference. This year's conference will take place from Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th September at the University of Bristol, with Professor Keith Stanton as President.
The overall theme of the Conference is ‘Pressing Problems in the Law and Legal Education’: papers may engage with this topic as it applies to torts, but any proposals on aspects of the law of tort would be very welcome. The Torts section will take place in the second half of the Conference: please note that, unlike in previous years, the Conference begins on a Tuesday this year and so the second half will take place on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th September.
All colleagues, whether practitioners, research students, early career academics or more senior colleagues, are invited to offer papers. Those proposing papers do not need to be members of the Society to present a paper, but you are encouraged to join, and a preferential rate is offered to members when booking to attend the Conference. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please e-mail me at<> with a title and a brief abstract. I am happy to discuss any potential submissions informally. Please also inform me if you are proposing a paper for another section, so that I can coordinate arrangements with fellow convenors. The deadline for proposals is 12pm on Monday 5th March 2012.
Another reason to present a paper at the Conference is the 'Best Paper Prize', which is open to all those who comply with the criteria to be found at<>. Papers for the prize must be placed in the paperbank by Monday 3rd September. The Prize includes a monetary award of £250, and the winning paper will be published in Legal Studies.
This year, the SLS is introducing the presentation of research posters, which will be displayed in the Great Hall. If any members of the section would be interested in offering a poster, please write to me and I shall offer further details. There will be an award for the best poster. The Conference will also have additional sessions on legal education within particular subject areas: members who would be willing to contribute to such sessions are also welcome to contact me.
Convenors have been asked to make it clear to potential speakers and poster presenters that all speakers, presenters, delegates and convenors are required to book and pay to attend the conference. Booking information will be circulated later in the year.
Best wishes,
James Lee
SLS Torts Subject Section Convenor
James Lee
Lecturer and Director of Careers
Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple
Birmingham Law School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3629