Dear All
Just a short reminder of the forthcoming 11th Annual Conference on European Tort Law, which takes place in Vienna on 12 - 14 April, and a nudge that only a week remains for the Early Bird booking discount.
The opening lecture on Thursday evening will be given by Michael D Green, Reporter for the new Restatement Third of Torts (Physical and Emotional Harm). His topic is 'Restating Tort Law: The American and European Styles'. The venue is the splendid Baroque palace,
the Palais Trautson, that houses the Austrian Ministry of Justice. A drinks reception with light buffet follows afterwards.
The following day the venue shifts to the Austrian Supreme Court, for a whistle-stop tour of tort developments in Europe by jurisdiction. The conference dinner afterwards will be at a traditional Viennese tavern, and washed down by the local 'heurigen' wine
(ie wine from the most recent harvest).
The conference continues on Saturday morning, with a special session addressing the Cultures of Tort Law in Europe, for which we've assembled a really excellent team of lecturers. Lively discussion guaranteed!
For further details, click
here. You can download the conference folder and registration form
As in previous years, I look forward to welcoming ODGers to Vienna in the week after Easter.
Best wishes