From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 05/03/2012 14:56:08 UTC
Subject: ODG: Prosser Award in Tort Law

Dear Colleagues,

I post on behalf of Andrew R. Klein:

Greetings! In my capacity as secretary of the AALS Torts& Compensation Systems section, I am writing to pass along two important notices.

1. Torts and Compensation Section Newsletter

As most of you know, our section publishes a newsletter each fall listing: (1) Symposia related to tort law; (2) recent law review articles on tort law; (3) selected articles from Commonwealth countries on tort law; and (4) books relating to tort law. We are now beginning the process of compiling material for this year’s newsletter. If you know of anything that should be included, please forward relevant citations and other information to me The deadline for inclusion is August 15, 2012.

2. Prosser Award

This is the first call for nominations for the 2013 William L. Prosser Award. The award "recognize[s] outstanding contributions of law teachers in scholarship, teaching and service in ... torts and compensation systems ... ." Recent recipients are Richard Posner, Guido Calabresi, Oscar Gray, and Dan Dobbs. Past recipients include scholars such as Leon Green, Wex Malone, and John Wade.

Any law professor is eligible to nominate another law professor for the award. Nominators can renew past nominations by resubmitting materials. Selection of the recipient will be made by members of the Executive Committee of the Torts& Compensation Systems section, based on the recommendation of a special selection committee. The announcement of the award will be made at the annual AALS meeting in January, 2013.

Nominations must be accompanied by a brief supporting statement and should be submitted no later than July 2, 2012. E-mail submissions are preferred. If you would rather mail hard copies of nomination materials, please use the address in the signature line below.

Our committee will send additional reminders about both the newsletter and the Prosser Award as the deadlines approach. In the meantime, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




Andrew R. Klein
Paul E. Beam Professor of Law
Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
530 W. New York Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
(317) 274-2099

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435