From: Ken Oliphant <>
To: Wright, Richard <>
Date: 20/04/2012 04:25:24 UTC
Subject: AW: As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough

Bizarrely, the shots of the male singer were taken in Vienna. I had been blithely unaware that such passions had been excited amongst our law student population.

Von: Wright, Richard []
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. April 2012 03:51
Betreff: FW: As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough

Come on now, Civ Pro and sexy in the same sentence?  Yet I'll admit it: despite all the many take-offs on Palsgraf (and/or Donaghue?), nothing comes close to this, at least for this US academic (those elsewhere may not get all the procedure references, but hopefully can still enjoy the scenery and the musical rendition).
Another interesting but unsurprising thing (for me, again): note how blase the surrounding law school students are to the high jinks going on in their presence.
For those hard-hearted purists who may view this as off-topic, I dissent.  As I have even more strongly come to understand through delvings into comparative tort law, procedure is intimately interconnected with and strongly influences tort law doctrine.

From: Steinman, Joan
Sent: Wed 4/18/2012 1:46 PM
To: Faculty Full-Time
Subject: FW: As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough

For everyone who's ever taken civil procedure --

This is off-color, but I think you'll get a kick out of it.  An interesting review of procedure!