From: Ralph DE WIT <>
Date: 17/07/2012 07:10:07 UTC
Subject: CESL

Dear Group Members


With regard to the soon to be (?) CESL, I am doing research specifically on the rights and duties of the contracting parties, and I should like to bring in a comparative approach as much as possible.. I have seen some interesting comments passing through this group. If any of you have interesting links or sources that you could pass on, I would be most grateful.


Many thanks in advance and best regards


Ralph De Wit



Beschrijving: Beschrijving: Beschrijving: Beschrijving: Flying Cloud 2 klein

Ralph De Wit

Law Faculty VUB (University of Brussels)

Faculty of Applied Economics UA (University of Antwerp)

Van Doosselaere Attorneys (Antwerp)

Office: +32 3 203 40 19 (direct line)

Office fax : +32 3 225 28 81

Home, incl. fax: +32 3 288 77 25

Mobile: +32 496 234 069,