From: Andrew Robertson <>
Date: 30/07/2012 02:18:03 UTC
Subject: Obligations VI and VII

Congratulations to Jason Neyers, Stephen Pitel and Erika Chamberlain on
the tremendous success of the Obligations VI conference on 'Challenging
Orthodoxy'. I would like to join Angela Swan in thanking Erika, Stephen
and Jason for a superbly organised conference and a very enjoyable few
days. Thanks are also due to Western Law and the sponsors for their
wonderful hospitality. A news item from Western Law is here:

Obligations VII will be held in Hong Kong from 16-18 July 2014 and will
address the theme 'The Common Law of Obligations: Divergence and
Convergence'. The conference will be co-hosted by the University of Hong
Kong and the University of Melbourne. Michael Tilbury and I plan to issue
a call for papers in January 2013, with proposals due in June 2013. An
explanation of the theme can be found on the conference web site:

Kind regards,
Andrew Robertson
Professor of Law
Melbourne Law School
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria

T: +61 3 8344 0379