Dear Steve;
Thanks, very interesting for those us interested in the breach of statutory duty area! I agree with the comment at the linked blog, strict liability in this area has been around for well over a century, and this is a bad decision. What will be interesting will be to see how they do it. Liability under the HSW Regs & associated regs is only strict for civil actions because that is the way that the criminal provisions are worded. Presumably they could take one of two broad approaches- (1) treat civil BSD liability separately to the criminal obligations, and somehow provide that a civil BSD action will be subject to a defence of "reasonable care" or the like; or (2) redefine the standard required under a whole raft of criminal provisions. Of the two bad options I think (1) would be the least bad, because at least that would not water down the standard of care required of employers etc under the criminal law. But I suspect they will tend towards option (2) and water down safety requirements across the board. That is going to require some interesting drafting.
On 11/09/2012, at 5:53 AM, Hedley, Steve wrote:
Perhaps largely of UK interest, but possibly broader:
"The Government announced today that it will be introducing legislation before Parliament as early as next month amending the Health and Safety at Work Act to abolish strict liability for breaches of Health and Safety regulations. If the legislation is passed, employers will only be liable where fault is proved ..."
[Andrew Spencer, piBlawg, 10 September]
Steve Hedley