From: | Wright, Richard <> |
To: | Neil Foster <> |
CC: | |
Date: | 05/10/2012 01:22:11 UTC |
Subject: | Re: breach of (criminal) statute |
Dear Richard;I am happy to stand corrected on where implied rights of action are taught in the US, of course, and thanks for that clarification.I would only want to clarify the fact that in the Commonwealth, while there is (Canada excepted) a "nominate" tort of BSD, there is also (Canada included now) a principle that the provisions of a statute can be taken into account in determining an action in the tort of negligence. The model here (in line with the minority view in the various US States referred to at p 27 of my Obligations paper) is that breach of the statute is treated as evidence, though not conclusive evidence, of the breach element in negligence.Ipp JA in the NSW Court of Appeal in Talbot-Price v Jacobs [2008] NSWCA 189 at [56]:It has long been the law that breach of a statute or regulation may be evidence of negligence but is not irrefutable proof of negligence. Every case has to be decided according to its own circumstances. The breach of a statute or regulation is not definitive of a duty of care, or the performance of that duty: Sibley v Kais (1967) 118 CLR 424 at 427 per the Court; Ridis v Strata Plan 10308 [2005] NSWCA 246; (2005) 63 NSWLR 449 at [65] per Tobias JA and [90], [133] and [154] per McColl JA; Abela v Giew (1965) 65 SR (NSW) 485 at 491 per Sugerman, Taylor and Moffitt JJ; Tucker v McCann [1948] VLR 222 at 227 per Herring CJ (with whom Lowe J agreed) and at 237 per Gavan Duffy J.
See also the High Court decision of Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd v Fox [2009] HCA 35 at [49]While it is true that obligations under statutory or other enactments have relevance to determining the existence and scope of a duty, it is necessary to exercise caution in translating the obligations imposed on employers, principal contractors and others under the OHS Act and the Regulation into a duty of care at common law.
So in fact there are circumstances where breach of a statute will be used in England and Australia to show negligence (though not as an automatic inference.)RegardsNeilOn 05/10/2012, at 1:05 AM, Wright, Richard wrote:
Thanks, Neil, Matthew and others who have responded. I realized, belatedly, that we went through this on this list in a useful discussion a couple of years ago around this time.What I gather from those past conversations as well as the current one is that there sometimes is a failure to distinguish between two quite different types of private action that each involve reference to breach of the requirements in a statute/ordinance/regulation: (1) the implication of a private right of action under the statute for a private wrong, based on inferred legislative intent that such a private action should exist (which is different than 'a private right to enforcement of the statute' in the usual sense of making the private party a private attorney general on behalf of the public for enforcement of the clear public duty under the statute), and (2) using the legislative judgment embodied in the statute (sometimes even if it was not actually enacted due to a missing formality) as conclusive/prima facie/some evidence of negligence (duty-breach) in a regular, common law negligence action (which we refer to in the USA as the 'negligence per se' doctrine).Both types of action are possible in the USA, but we treat only the second type as a tort action. The second type is common in the USA, with varying weight given to the breach of the statutory requirement in the ordinary negligence action. The first BoSD type is treated as a non-tort implied statutory action, which, in my experience and as far as I know, is (contrary to what Neil states) not taught in Constitutional Law or Civil Procedure courses, but rather in Legislation courses or substantive courses in which the particular statute is relevant. It is mentioned in tort courses only to distinguish it from the 'negligence per se' doctrine. As in other countries, courts are reluctant to imply such private actions not explicitly provided for in the statute, but it occasionally occurs. I don't see any 'deep divide' between the USA and other countries on this private law matter, merely becuase we do not treat this particular part of private law as part of tort law.As I understand it, the second type is similarly available in Canada, with more emphasis on the discretion of the trier of fact as to how much weight to give the breach of the statutory requirement. The first BofSD type is not. However, the second type is expanded by using the statute as part of the proximity analyis in the duty analysis to, allegedly, create duties where none would otherwise exist (Lewis disagrees with and is fighting against this use).In the rest of the Commonwealth, apparently, there is only the first BofSD type of action, and while it is theoretically available courts are reluctant to use it, as in the USA. Unlike in the USA, it is treated as a 'freestanding tort' distinct from the negligence action.Thus, my prior statement (not made to any student, by the way, but rather posted on this and another discussion list based on a query from a professor passing along a question posed by one of his students) that the English and Commonwealth courts will not use breach of a statute to infer ordinary negligence seems, contrary to Neil, to be correct regarding England---but incorrect regarding Canada. However, I should have added, as Neil correctly points out, that the English and Commonwealth courts are (sometimes) willing to infer the private right of action under the statute.In many civil law countries, the first BofSD type of action is explicitly provided in the civil code and is treated as part of tort/delict law.Am I getting closer to the 'truth' of the matter in the different jurisdictions?
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:17 PM, Neil Foster <> wrote:
Dear Colleagues;If you are interested in comparing the US approach to "implied action under statute", to the Commonwealth (except Canada) approach to BSD, you can have a look back at the paper I presented at Obligations 6 (available online at Interesting that Richard's immediate reaction is "we don't treat that action as a tort action". I mention in the paper that some scholars in the US are coming around to acknowledging that whatever definition of "tort" you adopt, this is indeed a part of the law of torts- though it tends to be taught in US Law Schools as either part of Constitutional Law or (oddly, to the Commonwealth eye) something called Civil Procedure. But this is part of the deep divide between US and Commonwealth private law that I started to get a feel for when working on the paper at Villanova last year.I agree with Matthew that from the Cth perspective, it is a freestanding tort which uses the statute as the background. Effectively the law of torts says, the statute, by forbidding certain conduct, has created a "private right to enforcement" in some situations. If anyone is interested in a general description of, and defence of, the Cth BSD action I refer you to another piece I have written, "The Merits of the Civil Action for Breach of Statutory Duty" Sydney Law Review 33 (2011): 67-93 (at: Yes, there is some "reluctance" to create new actions in areas where statutes have not been relied on previously for civil action, but in some areas the availability of the action is well accepted (the most obvious is workplace safety actions, but there are some other areas where private rights have been long accepted as arising from statutes.) This is even the case in places like Australia where there is no explicit authorisation of civil actions based on workplace safety legislation, in contrast to the UK.So, there is one point where your initial comment to the student would need to be corrected, Richard:"The contrary thesis, strongly held in England and Canada, at least, is that breach of the criminal statute should not be conclusive evidence of negligence, or perhaps any evidence: that, if the legislature had desired that result, it could/would/should have said so, and thus that the civil law's using breach of the statute as evidence of negligence is actually contrary to the legislature's intent, or at least relying on speculative legislative intent."While this statement is true where there is no action based on the specific tort of "breach of statutory duty" (as Lewis said, no longer available in Canada; but generally available elsewhere in the common law world), it is not quite right in relation to that tort. In cases where that tort is available, the courts are prepared to imply a civil action based on the terms of a statute which is otherwise silent on the matter, on the basis that Parliament has intended to create a private right. See also the most recent (10th) edition of Fleming's Law of Torts, ch 18.RegardsNeil
On 04/10/2012, at 8:45 AM, Matthew Dyson wrote:
Well, it's a debatable point, but I think it's better to conceive of BoSD as a freestanding tort which relies on a background statutory obligation being breached. You're not bringing an action under the statute (as you would if the statute expressly included a civil liability) but the statute and the tort are strongly connected.
As for the reluctance of the courts, yes, they are not usually very keen on a BoSD claim partly because it is often trying to get around a bar in negligence (hence one of the factors for whether there is a cause of action in BoSD is whether to allow it would be to frustrate an established rule elsewhere in tort). The thing is, all of this gets weighed in each situation and the context, and particularly the type of case, is important. E.g., social welfare like O’Rourke v Camden [1998] AC 188 (duty to provide community housing) will likely not give rise to a right of action.
On 03/10/2012 23:37, Wright, Richard wrote:
Thanks, Matthew. So the tort of BofSD is actually an implied right of action under the statute? If so, in the USA we don't treat that action as a tort action. Either way, it seems that the English courts are reluctant to imply a civil action where such action is not provided by the statute. Right?
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Matthew Dyson < <>> wrote:
My thoughts, fuzzily late at night as it is for me, are these:1. The student's question is a good one, but in reality most/manycivil cases will follow a criminal conviction if a conviction isviable, at least in England. While there is no longer an automaticstay of a civil case while the prosecution is pending, thereremains a discretion to stay which is occasionally used (Jeffersonv Bhetcha [1979] 2 All ER 1108; Civil Procedure Rules, now inPractice Direction—Applications (2001) PD 23 para 11A.1-11A.4.).More importantly, most civil parties want the prosecution to doall the fact-finding and work first, perhaps get a compensationorder through the criminal courts, or rely on the conviction asevidence of the facts upon which it must have been founded (CivilEvidence Act 1968). Of course, in some countries civil proceedingsare sometimes used by the state for their greater disclosure orother procedural advantages cf. criminal proceedings, but where aprivate person does so, there might be problems in practice.2. England has a separate tort of BoSD. We had some dallianceswith the Negligence per se/statutory negligence/concretisednegligence doctrines in the 1930s-late 1940s but rejected it. Inessence, we don't regard all the things which are prohibited bystatutory duties as akin to duties to take care, such thatnegligence is an appropriate action. A classic example is astatute requiring machinery to be so securely fenced as to bevirtually (or completely) unusable: this doesn't really sound likea duty to take reasonable care of anything.BoSD operates where the legislature did not make clear whethercivil liability existed for breaching the statutor duty. Where thestatute says there is no civil liability, easy, there is now.Where the statute, says there is liability, C proceeds under thatstatute (see Health and Safety below, or the Occupier's LiabilityActs etc). Where the statute is silent, there are a list offactors to consider as tools to decide (depending on youraffection for fig-leaves) Parliament's intention OR "fit" withinthe common law. One of those is that where the sole remedyspecified is a criminal sanction, there is a tendency to regardthat remedy as the only one available under the statute. [Bear inmind, that criminal sanction was often a fine which may or may notin part or whole get diverted to the victim (as many industrialstatutes did in the late 1800s and into the 1900s).] Seegenerally, e.g., the various views in Cutler v Wandsworth Stadium[1949] AC 398, on which:i) Tony Weir, casebook, p. 186, "P was a bookie complaining thathe had lost business from punters because the operator of thedog-track had failed to respect the statutory mandate to providehim with space in which to ply his aleatory trade. So great werethe odds against the courts' giving P what he had been preventedfrom taking from gamblers that one doubts Cutler's skill at hisown business (though he did win at first instance)."Williams (1960) 23 MLR 233, 245: "A decision of this kind mustwear an unsatisfactory appearance, because there are no sufficientcriteria for determining the intention of Parliament on a matterto which it may in fact have given no attention...Although...theHL devoted much attention to the wording of the Act and theprevious history, it cannot be said that the result of this labourindicated the decision with any clarity. It is submitted that thecase can best be understood as an illustration of the general rulethat an Act which in terms imposes only a criminal penalty cannotbe read as giving a private right of action unless there is anindication in the statute that this was intended. The betting andLotteries Act certainly failed to give any such indication.3. There is much to be said for sectoral grouping of the types ofcases in order to understand them better. Public authorityliability cases are a key group, but so are Health and Safetycases, whose civil liability regime is express, rather thanrelying on the general tort we have in England of Breach ofStatutory Duty. In public authority cases, a key element is wherethe statute only gives a power, not a duty, there is no liabilityfor breaching that power unless (somewhat inconceivably) thestatute expressly created some.All best wishes,MattOn 03/10/2012 21:44, Lewis N Klar wrote:I think there are two different problems involving breach ofstatute and tort .The first and most straightforward case is where the defendantbreaches a statutory duty. In Canada, there is no nominatetort of breach of statutory duty. Thus, unless the statuteexpressly creates civil liability for a breach of a statutoryduty, the courts are not to attempt to interpret the statuteto find an implied private law remedy. If there is a commonlaw duty of care, the court can use the statutory breach asuseful evidence that the defendant had been negligent infailing to live up to its common law duty. It is up to thetrier of fact to determine the relevance of the statutorybreach in making out the plaintiff's claim for its action innegligence. There is no necessary inference or presumption offault.The more difficult case which raises a different issue is theability of a plaintiff to sue a statutory authority for itsnegligent failure to perform its statutory responsibilities orexercise its regulatory powers which allegedly led to theplaintiff suffering a loss. The issue here is whether thecourts can use the statutory responsibilities or powers as thesource of a proximate relationship between the authority andthe plaintiff to establish a common law duty of care. My viewhas been that although Canadian courts have attempted to findproximity within the terms of statutory provisions that thisis incorrect and fruitless. Proximity comes fromrelationships; statutes can serve as the catalyst forrelationships, but whether these relationships createproximity is not dependent upon implied legislative intentionbut on common law principles. I think Canadian courtsreluctantly have been moving to my position, but have notabandoned their insistence that statutes can create proximity,and this depends upon legislative intention.LewisOn Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Richard Wright< <>
<<>>> wrote:A recent post on the USA tortprof list,<><<>>,posed a question about tort liability for breach of a criminalstatute. The post asked, in relation to a student question inclass, how tort liability based on such a breach was possibleprior to a criminal court's determination of breach of thecriminal statute. I posted the following response (whichis meantto apply to breach of any governmental statute, ordinance, orregulation). Is my characterization of the English-Canadianapproaches accurate? What about approaches elsewhere?---------- Forwarded message ----------From: *Wright, Richard* <<><<>>>Date: Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:42 AMSubject: Re: Question on negligence per se from a studentI believe the answer is that negligence per se does notactuallyinvolve application of the criminal statute. Instead, thecommonlaw takes into account the legislative judgment about duty andreasonable care in the particular circumstances andemploys thatjudgment in the tort action. Indeed, courts have held that thelegislative judgment can still be employed even if thecriminalstatute was not actually enacted due to some missingformality.The theory, it seems, is that the best evidence of communitystandards of reasonable care in particular situations is thelegislature's judgment, which represents the community asa whole,rather than a single judge or jury. This theory also leadsto theconclusion that the breach of the statute/regulation should beconclusive, non-rebuttable evidence of negligence. But thestandard of persuasion on breach of the standard of reasonablecare (borrowed from the criminal statute) is the usualcivil one:preponderance of the evidence.The contrary thesis, strongly held in England and Canada, atleast, is that breach of the criminal statute should not beconclusive evidence of negligence, or perhaps anyevidence: that,if the legislature had desired that result, itcould/would/shouldhave said so, and thus that the civil law's using breachof thestatute as evidence of negligence is actually contrary to thelegislature's intent, or at least relying on speculativelegislative intent.Many courts in the USA, and a growing number, seem to take themiddle ground: breach of the statute is some evidence ofnegligence or perhaps even creates a rebuttable presumption ofnegligence, but it is not conclusive evidence of negligence.-- Lewis N. Klar, Q.C.,Professor of Law,University of Alberta.(780) 492-7408<tel:%28780%29%20492-7408> <tel:%28780%29%20492-7408>-- Lewis N. Klar, Q.C.,Professor of Law,University of Alberta.(780) 492-7408 <tel:%28780%29%20492-7408>-- Dr Matt DysonTrinity CollegeCambridgeCB2 1TQ01223 338520View my research on my SSRN author page: W. WrightDistinguished Professor of LawIIT Chicago-Kent Faculty of Law
Dr Matt Dyson
Trinity College
01223 338520
View my research on my SSRN author page:
Neil Foster
Associate Professor in Law,
Newcastle Law School;
Faculty of Business & Law
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931
Richard W. WrightDistinguished Professor of LawIIT Chicago-Kent Faculty of Law
Neil Foster
Associate Professor in Law,
Newcastle Law School;
Faculty of Business & Law
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931