Dear All
Apologies once again for the shameful self-publicity, but I take the liberty of informing you of a new special issue of the Journal of European Tort Law on the topic Cultures of Tort Law in Europe.
My short introduction is available for download free of charge if you click
here. (You'll need to click on the button marked 'Full Text PDF'. If you also click on 'Alle Formate und Preise', you'll see that a year's online subscription costs a bargain € 49.00 or US$ 74...)
Amongst the questions you'll find addressed are:
- What does 'tort law culture' actually mean, and what's to be gained from comparison of the cultures of tort in different places?
- Why doesn't the French tort system simply collapse under the weight of the burdens stemming from its proudly victim-oriented approach?
- How has German tort law been shaped by the six very different Germanies that have existed in the last 100 years (Empire, the Wiemar Republic, the Third Reich, the separate East and West Germanies
of the post-war years, and the modern Federal Republic)?
- How have concerns about 'compensation culture' shaped political debate and popular conceptions of tort law in the UK?
- And finally: what music should you listen to when considering the intellectual history of Scandinavian tort law in the last century?
A full list of contents follows.
Best wishes
Edited by Ken Oliphant
Ken Oliphant
‘Cultures of Tort Law in
Europe’ 147
Jean-Sébastien Borghetti ‘The
Culture of Tort Law in France’
Jörg Fedtke ‘The
Culture of German Tort Law’ 183
Håkan Andersson ‘The
Tort Law Culture(s) of Scandinavia’ 210
Richard Lewis and Annette Morris
‘Tort Law Culture in the
United Kingdom:
Image and Reality in Personal Injury Compensation’ 230
Book Reviews:
Vibe Ulfbeck/John
Murphy/Christian Katzenmeier/Ina Ebert/Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo/Ernst A Kramer
Comparative Studies in the Development of the Law of Torts in
Europe (edited by John Bell and David Ibbetson),
Vols 1–6 265