Dear colleagues / chers et chères collègues:
Allow me a brief interlude in this lively series of exchanges on specific performance and mitigation to bring to your attention a job opening at the University of Montreal, Canada, which subject matter is likely to interest many of yous.
Please see document attached.
The description talks about "comparative private law", with a particular interest in the comparison between Romano-Germanic and common law jurisdictions.
In terms of language, of course French is the working language here, but the knowledge and use of English is also highly valued (e.g. in terms of research work, outreach activities, etc.).
For more information, I would be happy to be the contact person, as I chair the recruitement committee.
(Please, also, do not hesitate to forward this information within your other networks and group lists; cheers.)
Prof. Dr. Stéphane Beaulac (Cantab.)
Faculty of Law
University of Montreal