From: Ernest Owusu-Dapaa <>
To: Donal Nolan <>
Date: 04/11/2012 19:37:20 UTC
Subject: Re: Content of UK Tort courses

Your research is interesting because I am doing similar research on medical law/ health care law as discrete legal category in England and Wales. I wish to invite you  and other members of the forum with some suggestions or materials to throw them at me. 

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Donal Nolan <> wrote:

I am currently undertaking a research project on tort law as a legal category, and as part of this project I am compiling a database of the topics covered in undergraduate tort courses in universities in the UK. Although sometimes this information can be gleaned from the institution's website, this is not always the case, and so it would be extremely helpful if list subscribers who teach tort in the UK could send a copy of the tort syllabus (or reading list) at their institution to my research assistant, Charles Austin, at


I am only interested in the content of the basic tort course at the institution, and not in advanced tort courses and the like.


Many thanks

