From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 19/04/2013 12:53:26 UTC
Subject: ODG: Journal of European Tort Law (new issue)

Dear All
Just a short note to inform you of the publication of the latest issue of the JETL (1/2013), contents indicated below. Available from

JETL vol 4 issue 1 (2013)




Duncan Fairgrieve, Geraint Howells and Marcus Pilgerstorfer ‘The Product Liability Directive: Time to get Soft?’ (2013) 4 JETL 1


Hugo A Acciarri and Nuno Garoupa ‘On the Judicial Interest Rate: Towards a Law and Economic Theory’ (2013) 4 JETL 34


Paula Giliker ’Tony Weir and the Law of Tort (2013) 4 JETL 63


Philippe Brun and Christophe Quézel-Ambrunaz ‘French Tort Law Facing Reform’ (2013) 4 JETL 78



Book Reviews:


Ina Ebert ‘Lotte Meurkens/Emily Nordin (eds), The Power of Punitive Damages. Is Europe Missing Out?’ (2013) 4 JETL 95


Daniel Gardner ‘Jacques De Mol, Le dommage psychique – Du traumatisme à l’expertise’ (2013) 4 JETL 98


Piotr Machnikowski ‘Pekka Aalto, Public Liability in EU Law: Brasserie, Bergaderm and Beyond’

(2013) 4 JETL 101


Ulrich Magnus ’Marten Breuer, Staatshaftung für judikatives Unrecht. Eine Untersuchung zum

deutschen Recht, zum Europa- und Völkerrecht’ (2013) 4 JETL 106


Ugo Mattei ’M Infantino, La causalità nel diritto della responsabilità extracontrattuale.

Studio di diritto comparato’ (2013) 4 JETL 110


Andrew Tettenborn ’B Winiger/H Koziol/B Koch/R Zimmermann (eds), Digest of European Tort Law,

Vol 2: Essential Cases on Damage’ (2013) 4 JETL 113