From: Katy Eloise Barnett <>
Date: 16/08/2013 02:44:47 UTC
Subject: Blog post on Quistclose trust case

Dear ODG members,


The High Court of Australia handed down the decision of Legal Services Board v Gillespie-Jones [2013] HCA 35 on Wednesday, which dealt with a claim by a barrister against a legal practitioners’ fidelity fund, but which also raised issues regarding Quistclose trusts.


Elise Bant from Melbourne Law School (and ODG member) has just written an excellent post on the case for the Law School blog for those of you who wish to know more about the case:


Kind regards,




Dr Katy Barnett

Senior Lecturer

Melbourne Law School

University of Melbourne

Parkville 3010 VIC



Ph: + 61 3 9035 4699

