From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 29/08/2013 17:40:52 UTC
Subject: ODG: Just Published
Attachments: Obligations Discussion Group DESCHEEMAEKER_SCOTT.docx

Dear Colleagues:

Congratulations go out to ODGers Eric Descheemaeker and Helen Scott on the publication of Iniuria and the Common Law with Hart Publishing. Addressing a series of doctrinal puzzles within the law of assault, defamation and breach of privacy, the book considers in what respects the Roman delict of iniuria overlaps with its modern counterparts in England, Scotland and South Africa. Full details about the book can be found at:

As is customary, Hart has offered a 20% discount if the attached order form is used.

Happy Reading,

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435