From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 19/09/2013 15:15:25 UTC
Subject: ODG: Three New Books
Attachments: 130916 Constiutional Damages Advertisement.doc
Principles of Proprietary Remedies event program - 24.10.13.pdf
Principles of Proprietary Remedies_15% discount.pdf

Dear Colleagues:

I am happy to announce the publication of three books, all of which have a connection to the ODG.

First, congratulations go out to Allan Beever on the publication of The Law of Private Nuisance by Hart.  Full details about the book can be found at: and on the attached flyer. As is customary, Hart has offered a 20% discount if the attached order form is used.

Second, congratulations go out to Ken Cooper-Stevenson on the publication of Constitutional Damages Worldwide which examines the issues that arise in these claims and shows how principles from tort law can be integrated with constitutional provisions. Full details about the book can be found on the attached flyer.

Last but not least, congratulations go out to Elise Bant and Michael Bryan, on the publication of their new book Principles of Proprietary Remedies by Thomson Reuters. The attached order form allows you to order the book with a 15% discount. In addition, list members are also invited to the book launch at the Melbourne Law School on 24 October. There will be comments and discussion by the authors, Kit Barker, Katy Barnett, James Edelman J, Matthew Harding, and Geoffrey Nettle J.

Happy Reading,

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435