From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 24/09/2013 11:02:20 UTC
Subject: ODG: Journal of European Tort Law, Issue 2/2013

Dear all
The new issue of the Journal of European Tort Law is a special issue containing papers on the topic of Tort Law and the Financial Crisis. Contents below.
Best wishes

Special Issue: Tort Law and the Financial Crisis

Edited by Ernst Karner




Ernst Karner ‘Tort Law and the Financial Crisis: Basic Questions’ (2013) 2 JETL 119


Peter Loser ‘Financial Crisis – The Liability of Banking Institutions’ (2013) 2 JETL 128


Alessandro Scarso ‘The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies in a Comparative Perspective’ (2013) 2 JETL 163


Donal Nolan ‘The Liability of Financial Supervisory Authorities’ (2013) 2 JETL 190


Jaap Spier ‘Balancing Acts: How to Cope with Major Catastrophes, particularly the Financial Crisis’ (2013) 2 JETL 223



Book Review:


Thomas Kadner Graziano ‘Ken Oliphant/Barbara Steininger (eds), European Tort Law – Basic Texts’ (2013) 2 JETL 240