From: Kit Barker <>
Date: 07/10/2013 22:39:09 UTC
Subject: User Principle in the Singapore Court of Appeal

Dear Colleagues and friends,


Anyone interested in the mysteries and travails of the user principle may be interested in the most recent judgement of the Singapore CA in:


Aces System Development v Lilyt Yenty [2013] SGCA 53.


The Judgment of the court is delivered by Andrew Phang Boon Leong JA, with whose academic work in a former life many groups members will be familiar.


All good wishes,



Kit Barker

Professor,  TC Beirne School of Law


Phone: +61 7 33467609 I  Fax:  +61 7 33651454


‘The logical method and form flatters that longing for certainty and for repose which is in every human mind. But certainty in general is an illusion, and repose is not the destiny of man.' (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

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