From: John Blackie <>
To: ODG <>
Date: 17/10/2013 14:51:58 UTC
Subject: Scottish Parliament - Debate 29th on reversing burden of proof in negligence claims brought by cyclists

Members might be interested in, or at least intrigued by this forthcoming Parliamentary debate on a proposal to alter the burden of proof in negligence claims brought by cyclists. It will take place Scottish Parliament on 29th October. The notice of the Motion and debate can be found at

The background is in an initiative by a body in Scotland that provides legal advice to cyclists. The details can be found at

It is an example of how in a small country a group may bring particular pressure. This is not to comment on the wisdom of the proposal either way.

John Blackie

Professor John W G Blackie

Emeritus Professor of Law
University of Strathclyde
Mobile: 07917728908
Home Office phone: +44 (0)131 202 6481
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phone: +44 (0)131 202 6481