From: Donald Macdonald <>
To: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 04/11/2013 22:31:06 UTC
Subject: ODG: that snail again - essays

ODG members might like to know that the latest bumper issue (2013:3; 500 pp) of the (Scottish) Juridical Review is devoted entirely to papers given at a conference about Donoghue v Stevenson in 2012.  Contributors range from Australia to Canada, and perhaps further afield. 


I note that one contributor (I forget who) quotes a Scots student of his as saying that no self-respecting Glaswegian would think of drinking ginger beer with ice cream.  From the nation that gave us the deep-fried Mars Bar (admittedly a more recent invention), that may be debatable.


Happy reading


Ross Macdonald  (School of Law, University of Dundee)



From: Jason Neyers []
Sent: 02 November 2013 11:16
Subject: ODG: Interesting New Article


 Dear Colleagues:


Many of you will be interested in a new article by Mark Gergen, entitled "Negligent misrepresentation as contract" 101 Cal. L. Rev. 953-1011 (2013).  The Article challenges the prevailing view which classifies the claim of negligent misrepresentation as a tort.  Instead it argues that negligent misrepresentation is best understood as a contractual claim akin to promissory estoppel, with the gist of both claims being invited reliance (


There is much discussion of the work of ODGers such as Stephen Smith, Peter Benson, Rob Stevens, John Goldberg and Ben Zipursky.


Happy Reading,


Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096