The web site for the Obligations VII conference is now online and
accepting registrations at:
The conference, co-hosted by the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong
Kong and Melbourne Law School, will be held in Hong Kong from 15-18 July
2014. Approximately 100 papers will be presented, covering a wide range of
topics spanning equity, the law of contract, torts, restitution and
property, comparative law, private law theory, the relationship between
the common law and statute and more. Keynote addresses will be made by
Professor Andrew Burrows, The Hon Dame Sian Elias, The Hon Paul Finn, The
Hon Sir Anthony Mason, The Hon Justice Robert Ribeiro, Professor Robert
Stevens and Professor Sarah Worthington.
A discounted early bird registration rate is available until 28 Feb 2014.
Andrew Robertson and Michael Tilbury
Conference conveners