From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 11/12/2013 13:54:33 UTC
Subject: ODG: JETL 3/2013

Dear All
One final notification from me before Christmas: a new issue of the Journal of European Tort Law (Issue 3 of 2013) has just been published. A list of the contents appears below. Although I am leaving the Institute of European Tort Law in Vienna at the end of 2013, returning to the University of Bristol in the UK, I shall continue to act as General Editor of the Journal. I would be very pleased to discuss potential submissions from ODGers who are writing in areas likely to be of interest to JETL readers.
Best wishes for the festive season
Journal of European Tort Law, 3/2013
Table of Contents


Imgard Griss ‘How Judges Think: Judicial Reasoning in Tort Cases from a Comparative Perspective’ (2013) 3 JETL 247

Donal Nolan ‘Damage in the English Law of Negligence’ (2013) 3 JETL 259

Patrick O’Callaghan ‘False Privacy and Information Games’ (2013) 3 JETL 282


Case Commentaries:


Paula Giliker ‘Vicarious Liability “On the Move”: The English Supreme Court and Enterprise Liability’ (2013) 3 JETL 306

Quinten De Raedt ‘Loss of a Chance in Medical Malpractice: A Double Application’ (2013) 3 JETL 314 


Review Article:


Joseph A Page ‘D Dobbs/ P Hayden/ E Bublick, The Law of Torts, Practitioner Treatise Series’ (2013) 3 JETL 328


Book Reviews:


Peter Stockenhuber ‘G Messen, Der Anspruch auf Schadenersatz bei Verstössen gegen EU-Kartellrecht (2013) 2 JETL 339

Olivier Moréteau ‘François Terré (ed), Pour une réform du droit de la responsabilité civile, Collection: Thémes’ (2013) 3 JETL 342

Jane Wright  'A Fenyes/ E Karner/ E Steiner (eds), Tort Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights’ (2013) 3 JETL 347

Christophe Quézel-Ambrunaz ‘R Goldberg (ed), Perspectives on Causation’ (2013) 3 JETL 351

Christina Eberl-Borges ‘Peter North, Civil Liability for Animals’ (2013) 3 JETL 356