Dear Ger
A very useful survey is:
D Busch, “Agency and Principal Dealing under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive” in Danny Busch, Laura Macgregor and Peter Watts (eds), Agency Law in Commercial Practice (2016), 141.
The key European case (on the civil consequences) is the decision of the CJEU in
Case No C-604/11, Genil 48 SL v Bankinter SA (30 May 2013).
I would be interested in learning more about the Irish implementation of MiFID. Presumably it has been largely copied out. Do you have a provision corresponding to UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, section 138D (ex section 150)? What are the best resources?
Best wishes
From: Gerard Sadlier []
Sent: 13 May 2016 14:58
Subject: Cases Concerning MiFID from Civil law Systems
Dear all,
I would be really grateful if anyone could point me to cases
concerning MiFID from outside either England or Ireland and preferably
to English translations of the judgments in those cases.
Kind regards
Gerard McMeel
Guildhall Chambers
23 Broad Street Bristol BS1 2HG
T F 0117 930 3814
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