[Spam?] Re: Can Assignee who Bought Asset With Notice of Negligence Sue Professional for Damages
Why not? If I buy an asset from you which has been damaged by X's negligence I can take an assignment of your cause of action against X and sue him. It should make no difference that X has compromised not the thing but your title to it.
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Gerard Sadlier <gerard.sadlier@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,
I'd be most grateful for any cases or other material you can recommend relating to the following hypothetical.
Suppose that:
1. A acquires an asset. Due to the professional negligence of A's adviser, their acquisition is voidable.
2. A subsequently sells the asset to B, who is aware of the voidability of A's title to the asset when B buys the asset. (The deed of transfer is sufficiently widely drafted to transfer any cause of action A may have had for professional negligence.)
3. B's title is subsequently avoided.
Could B sue A's professional advisers in contract or tort for the loss B suffered?