From: Gerard Sadlier <>
Date: 18/07/2016 19:36:11 UTC
Subject: Is a Supportive Expert Report Required before a Professional Negligence Claim is Initiated in your Jurisdiction

Dear all,

As some of you know, I am based in Ireland.

In this jurisdiction, before a claim for professional negligence
against say a solicitor, doctor etc. may be initiated, a report from
an expert in the professional discipline in question must be obtained
which supports the claim. An exception arises where the Statute of
Limitations is about to expire. In those circumstances, proceedings
may be initiated to save the claim but should not be served unless and
until a supportive expert report is obtained.

I wondered if this is the position in other jurisdictions and if there
is any law on the subject to which you could point me?

I should say, if only to forestall the understandable reaction to the
above, that the practical advantages of having supportive expert
evidence for trial in most cases are obvious.

Many thanks.

Kind regards
