ODG colleagues,
This week I'm teaching consent, which study includes
Hackbart v. Cincinnati Bengals (D. Colo. 1977, 10th Cir. 1979 (
latter on Justia)) (just mentioned in my
Death of Civil Justice: thanks to
PLT for circulating).
My video resources on this subject are deep and span a range of sports, but may be augmented by a new item from American football (to the delight of my students; I'm a fan of that other football) from just last night, you might find timely and useful:
http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/9/24/13044124/tennessee-flop-floridaThe swing came after the play, so like
Hackbart. The apparent possibility that the offended player took a dive adds a dimension to the problem. (The commentators were unequivocal and harsh on the refs. One declared, "I know Greg Louganis," i.e., a dive.)
Happy autumn,